Commonhaus Foundation Trademarks
The Commonhaus Foundation’s Trademark Policy can be found at The current version of this trademark list can be found at
Refer to our branding guidelines for correct use of Commonhaus Foundation visual assets (logos, colors, and fonts). Projects may also have their own brand usage guidelines.
Word Marks
The Commonhaus Foundation has the following registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries:
- Hibernate ® US Reg. #3135582 [1]
The Commonhaus Foundation uses the following unregistered trademarks:
- Commonhaus Foundation ™
- Debezium ™ [1:1]
- EasyMock ™ [1:2]
- Feign ™ [1:3]
- Infinispan ™ [1:4]
- JBang ™ [1:5]
- JReleaser ™ [1:6]
- Jackson ™ [1:7]
- Morphia ™ [1:8]
- Objenesis ™ [1:9]
- Quarkus ™ [1:10]
- SDKMAN! ™ [1:11]
- SlateDB ™ [1:12]
Logo Marks
The Commonhaus Foundation and its projects use various visual logo trademarks. Adherence to visual guidelines and any additional requirements set forth on the Commonhaus Foundation’s or the project’s respective site is required.
The Commonhaus Foundation uses the following unregistered trademarks:
- Commonhaus Foundation Logo ™
- Debezium Logo ™ [1:13]
- EasyMock Logo ™ [1:14]
- Hibernate Logo ™ [1:15]
- Infinispan Logo ™ [1:16]
- JBang Logo ™ [1:17]
- JReleaser Logo ™ [1:18]
[2] - Morphia Logo ™ [1:19]
- Objenesis Logo ™ [1:20]
- Quarkus Logo ™ [1:21]
- SDKMAN! Logo ™ [1:22]
- SlateDB Logo ™ [1:23]