Welcome to the Commonhaus Foundation (CF), a collective dedicated to nurturing open source projects through collaboration and innovation. These bylaws provide a detailed guide to our governance structure and outline your role within our community.
Key Terms
- CF Council (CFC): Governs CF operations and strategic direction.
- CF Advisory Board: Comprises representatives from organizations providing financial support to the CF. They provide strategic insight to the CFC.
- General Members: Individuals supporting CF’s mission. Members in good standing participate in CF activities and vote in elections.
- Projects: Collaborative open source initiatives under CF, including assets like code, trademarks, and domains.
Decision Making and Voting
Our decision-making process, based on Lazy Consensus, values every member’s voice, ensuring equality and empowerment.
Record Keeping
We commit to thorough and accessible documentation of CF activities, detailed in Record Keeping.
Governance Policies
In addition to our bylaws, the Commonhaus Foundation (CF) adopts specific policies to address focused areas of our operations and community interactions.
- Code of Conduct: Definition of behavioral expectations and conflict resolution and remediation in support of a respectful and inclusive community.
- Conflict of Interest: Establishes protocols for identifying, disclosing, and managing any personal or financial interests that could potentially interfere with the impartial and objective operation of the CF.
- Intellectual Property Policy: Framework for responsibly managing and protecting intellectual contributions.
- Trademark Policy: Guidelines for the appropriate use of CF’s intellectual property.
See the index of CF policies for a complete list.
Bylaw change process
The foundation repository is the authoritative source for Commonhaus Foundation (CF) Bylaws.
The CF Council (CFC) must review bylaws at least annually to ensure ongoing compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
The Extended Governance Committee (EGC) (EGC: CFC + Project Leads) jointly review and approve bylaw changes.
Amendments or changes to Bylaws will follow the amendment process.